Performance based subscription service
Drive Revenue with Powerful AI Sales and Marketing Agents

Remote sales Human _AI agent
Web Agent & Sales assistant
Outreach Marketing Agent
Knowledgebase and learning buckets
Custom AI training bucket
Sales transcripts
Needs assessment
Closing skills
Overcome objections
Voice & text communications
Converts qualified leads to closed leads
Handshake with sales agents
Book Appointments
Calendar management
Install on website
Sales presentations by:
Email on web browser
Social media &
On mobile and desktop
Install on the website as a retail agent
Available in more than 30 languages
Voice Tones
Performance Based Subscription Service (PBSS)
Subscription is based on AI performance only. Subscribe for any service you want. Your subscription is never charges unless your Human-AI agent delivers presentation, and engages audience. Our conversation module allows you gain insights into AI performance with access to sales transcripts.
Engage the AI using our custom training module to tailor AI performance to your business needs. Never spend money on marketing again unless you are getting results.
Subscription carry over
​The SCO gives you confidence in your advertising spend, not only is your Ad spend based on performance, any part of your monthly subscription
not used or spent will be caried forward into the next or subsequent months. You can add credit on your during a campaign period to keep the campaign
Running. You may suspend your subscription in the months you are not running a campaign and restart your campaign any time you want.
Month 1 Subscription $499.99
Ad Spend $350.00
Month 2 Subscription $499.99
Subscription carry over ($149.99)
Subscription due $350.00